2.1 Description




Drawing 2.1: Frequency Trigger block diagram







2.2 Creating a New Project

The first step in creating a new design will be to create a new project. We will create a new project using the ISE New Project wizard. The New Project wizard will create an XISE project file for us. It will be place where ISE will organize our design files and save the design status whenever the processes are run.

To create a new project:

  1. Launch ISE Design Suite 14.7:

    Select Start → All Programs → Xilinx Design Tools → ISE Design Suite 14.7 → ISE Design Tools → Project Navigator and the ISE Project Navigator main window will appear

  2. In the Project Navigator, select File / New Project... from the main menu or click on the New Project... command in the Start window
  3. In the Create New Project dialog box:

    - enter project_name (in our case it will be modulator) in the Name field, see Illustration 2.1         



Illustration 2.1: Create New Project dialog box


  1. - Browse the location and working directory of your project in the Location and Working Directory fields   

Note: This option will automatically generate a project folder, with the same name as a project name, and place it in the selected working directory.

  1. - Verify that the HDL option has been selected from the Top-level source type drop-down list


  1. Click Next
  2. In the Project Settings dialog box set the following parameters as it is shown on the Illustration 2.2:



Illustration 2.2: Project Settings dialog box


  1. Leave all other parameters unchanged and click Next
  2. In the Project Summary dialog box click Finish if you are satisfied with the summary of your project, see Illustration 2.3. If you are not satisfied, you must go ones more through the whole procedure to correct all the questionable issues.



Illustration 2.3: Project Summary dialog box


After we finished with the new project creation process, in a few seconds ISE Project Navigator will create empty modulator project for us, see Illustration 2.4



Illustration 2.4: Project Navigator with created modulator project


2.3 Creating Module

To create a new module, follow the steps:

  1. In the ISE Project Navigator, select Project / New Source... option from the main menu or click on the New Source button in the Design window, see Illustration 2.5


    Illustration 2.5: New Source option


  3. In the Select Source Type dialog box, see Illustration 2.6, select VHDL Module, enter module_name (in our case it will be frequency_trigger_rtl) in the File name field and click Next to open the Define Module dialog box


    Illustration 2.6: Select Source Type dialog box – VHDL Module

  5. In the Define Module dialog box enter entity_name (frequency_trigger) in the Entity name field and architecture_name (rtl) in the Architecture name field
  6. Specify ports for the intended module as it is shown on the Illustration 2.7


    Illustration 2.7: Define Module dialog box with specified ports for Frequency Trigger module


  8. Click Next
  9. In the Summary dialog box, see Illustration 2.8, click Finish if you are satisfied with the summary of the Frequency Trigger module and your source file (frequency_trigger_rtl.vhd) should appear in the Hierarchy window, under the modulator project, see Illustration 2.9


    Illustration 2.8: Summary dialog box of Frequency Trigger module



    Illustration 2.9: frequency_trigger_rtl.vhd source file in the Hierarchy window


  11. Double-click on the created frequency_trigger_rtl.vhd source file to see what the toll has created for us, see Illustration 2.10



Illustration 2.10: Automatically generated frequency_trigger_rtl.vhd source code


As you can see from the illustration above, the tool automatically creates a default header and the entity declaration based on the data that you entered.

Important: The automatically generated code is not very handsome and clear, and the recommendation is to modify it. Here are the steps for modifying:


Note: As you can see there are a lot of things for modifying. For better designs, our recommendation is not to use the GUI module inserter. Instead of that, create a module in an text editor, rename it to module_name.vhd and insert it into your project.


Before we explain how to create a module using an text editor, don't forget to remove frequency_trigger_rtl.vhd source file from the project. To remove the file from the project, do the following:

  1. Select the file that you want to remove
  2. Right-click on the selected file and choose Remove option, see Illustration 2.11


    Illustration 2.11: Remove option


  4. In the Confirm Remove dialog box, click Yes and the selected source file will be removed from your project, see Illustration 2.12



Illustration 2.12: Confirm Remove dialog box


2.3.1 Creating a Module Using an Text Editor

Here are the steps for creating a module using an text editor:

  1. Open an text editor (for better usability, take one with VHDL code support)
  2. Insert the VHDL code and add the frequency_trigger_rtl module header
  3. Save the file as module_name (e.g. frequency_trigger_rtl) into your working directory
  4. Change the ending from *.txt to *.vhd
  5. Optional: Launch Project Navigator (if it is not already launched)
  6. Optional: Open “Modulator" project (modulator.xise) (if it is not already opened)
  7. In the Project Navigator, select Project / Add Source... option, see Illustration 2.13


    Illustration 2.13: Add Source option


  9. In the Add Source dialog box, browse to the project working directory and select the frequency_trigger_rtl.vhd source file and click Open
  10. In the Adding Source Files... dialog box, select All in the Association drop-down menu and click OK, see Illustration 2.14


    Illustration 2.14: Adding Source Files dialog box


  12. After adding frequency_trigger_rtl.vhd source file into modulator project, it should appear in the Hierarchy window, under the modulator project, see Illustration 2.15.



Illustration 2.15: frequency_trigger_rtl.vhd source file in the Hierarchy window


Note: Double-click on the frequency_trigger – rtl (frequency_trigger_rtl.vhd) source file in the Hierarchy window and your source file should appear in the text editor on the right side of the ISE Project Navigator.



Frequency Trigger VHDL model:


library ieee;

    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

    use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

    use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;


entity frequency_trigger is


        div_factor_freqhigh_g : integer := 0;          -- input clock division factor when sw0 = '1'

        div_factor_freqlow_g  : integer := 0           -- input clock division factor when sw0 = '0'




        clk_in     : in  std_logic;          -- input clock signal

        sw0        : in  std_logic;          -- signal used for selecting frequency

        freq_trig : out std_logic          -- output signal which frequency depends on the sw0 state




architecture rtl of frequency_trigger is


    signal freq_cnt_s : integer := 0;               -- clock counter

    signal sw0_jmp   : std_logic := '0';           -- variable who is tracking sw0'event



    freq_ce_p : process                  -- create and select frequency


        wait until rising_edge(clk_in);

        freq_cnt_s <= freq_cnt_s + 1; -- increment

        freq_trig <= '0';


        case sw0 is                           -- select sine frequency


            when '0' => -- frequency for sw0 = '0'

                if (sw0_jmp = '1') then

                    freq_cnt_s <= 0;                                  -- reset

                    sw0_jmp <= '0';

                end if;

                if (freq_cnt_s = div_factor_freqlow_g - 1) then

                    freq_trig <= '1';

                    freq_cnt_s <= 0;                   -- reset

                end if;


            when '1' => -- frequency for sw0 = '1'

                if (sw0_jmp = '0') then

                    freq_cnt_s <= 0;                   -- reset

                    sw0_jmp <= '1';

                end if;

                if (freq_cnt_s = div_factor_freqhigh_g - 1 ) then

                    freq_trig <= '1';

                    freq_cnt_s <= 0;                                -- reset

                end if;


            when others => null;

        end case;

    end process;



  1. In the Hierarchy window, select the desirable module_name (frequency_trigger – rtl), in the Processes window expand Synthesize - XST and double-click on the Check Syntax option, see Illustration 2.16

    Note: Please bear in mind that the Implementation option in the Design View must be selected.



    Illustration 2.16: Check Syntax option


  3. Correct any errors before proceeding


Note: Information about creating the Frequency Trigger Module, you can also find in the Lab 3: “Creating Frequency Trigger Module”.



2.4 Creating Test Bench





We are creating a test bench to verify the correctness of a design or model.

Here are the steps necessary for creating an test bench:

  1. In the ISE Project Navigator, select Project / New Source... option from the main menu or click on the New Source button in the Design window
  2. In the Select Source Type dialog box, select VHDL Test Bench and enter testbench_name (frequency_trigger_tb) in the File name field, see Illustration 2.17


    Illustration 2.17: Select Source Type dialog box – VHDL Test Bench


  4. Click Next to select a source with which to associate the new source
  5. In the Associate Source dialog box, select the frequency_trigger module and click Next, see Illustration 2.18


    Illustration 2.18: Associate Source dialog box


  7. In the Summary window, click Finish to finish with the test bench creation, see Illustration 2.19



Illustration 2.19: Summary dialog box for the test bench file


  1. After adding frequency_trigger_tb.vhd source file into modulator project, it should appear in the Hierarchy window, under the modulator project. Please bear in mind that the Simulation option in the Design View must be selected, see Illustration 2.20.



Illustration 2.20: frequency_trigger_tb.vhd file in the Hierarchy window


  1. Double-click on the created frequency_trigger_tb.vhd source file to see what the tool has created for us



The ISE software now have created a standard structure for a test bench, which contains:


Important: The automatically generated code is not very handsome and clear, and the recommendation is to modify it. Here are the steps for modifying:


  • Note: As you can see there are a lot of things for modifying. For better designs, our recommendation is not to use the GUI module inserter. Instead of that, create a test bench file in an text editor, rename it to module_name_tb.vhd and insert it into your project.


    All the steps for creating a module using an text editor are explained in the previous Sub-chapter 2.3.1 Creating a Module Using an Text Editor.


    Before you create a new test bench file using an text editor, don't forget to remove frequency_trigger_tb.vhd source file from the project.


    1. Create a test bench file using the code below:


  • Frequency Trigger test bench:


    library ieee;

  •     use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
  •     use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

        use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;


        use work.modulator_pkg.all;


    entity frequency_trigger_tb is


            div_factor_freqhigh_g : integer := 2;          -- input clock division factor when sw0 = '1' (an example)

            div_factor_freqlow_g  : integer := 4           -- input clock division factor when sw0 = '0' (an example)




    architecture tb of frequency_trigger_tb is


            signal clk_in_s     : std_logic := '1';          -- input clock signal

            signal freq_trig_s : std_logic := '1';          -- signal which frequency depends on the sw0 state

            signal sw0_s        : std_logic := '0';          -- signal for selecting frequency


  • begin


        freq_ce : entity work.frequency_trigger (rtl)  -- frequency trigger instance

            generic map(

                div_factor_freqhigh_g => div_factor_freqhigh_g,

                div_factor_freqlow_g  => div_factor_freqlow_g



            port map(

                clk_in     => clk_in_s,      

                sw0        => sw0_s,

                freq_trig => freq_trig_s   



        clk_in_s <=  not (clk_in_s) after per_c/2;         -- generates 50 MHz input clock signal;

        sw0_s    <=  '1' after 200 ns;             



    Note: As you can see from the code above, you must include modulator_pkg.vhd source file into your modulator project. In the modulator_pkg.vhd file is defined per_c constant that will be used in this test bench. This package will be explained in detailed later, in Chapter 4. SINE PACKAGE, where you can also find the whole modulator_pkg.vhd source code.


    To include modulator_pkg.vhd source file into your modulator project, use Project / Add Source... option from the ISE Project Navigator.



    2.5 Simulating (with ISim)

    Simulation is a process of emulating the real design behavior in a software environment. Simulation helps verify the functionality of a design by injecting stimulus and observing the design outputs. Simulators interpret HDL code into circuit functionality and display logical results.

    The ISE tool is integrated with the Xilinx ISim logic simulation environment. The ISE tool enables you to add and mange simulation test benches in the project. You can launch behavioral simulation prior to synthesis using RTL sources and launch timing simulation using post-implementation simulation model, that will be generated by the ISE tool after completing the design implementation process.


    After you have entered the code for the input stimulus in order to perform simulation, follow the next steps:

    1. In the Hierarchy window, right-click and then select Design Properties... option, see Illustration 2.21


      Illustration 2.21: Design Properties option


    3. In the Design Properties dialog box, verify that ISim (VHDL/Verilog) option is selected in the Simulator field, and VHDL is selected in the Preferred Language field, see Illustration 2.22


      Illustration 2.22: Design Properties dialog box


    5. Click OK
    6. Select Simulation option in the Design View (above the Hierarchy window) to switch Implementation with the Simulation view
    7. If necessary, select Behavioral Simulation from the drop-down list
    8. Select testbench_name (frequency_trigger_tb.vhd) in the Hierarchy window
    9. In the Processes window, expand ISim Simulator and double-click on the Behavioral Check Syntax (only available for ISE Simulation), see Illustration 2.23
    10. graphics65

      Illustration 2.23: Behavioral Check Syntax command


    11. Correct any errors before proceeding
    12. In the Processes window, double-click on the Simulate Behavioral Model, see Illustration 2.23
    13. Assuming no errors, your simulation result should look similar to the Illustration 2.24


      Illustration 2.24: Simulation Results


    15. Optional: If you want to insert further internal signals from your simulated file, click on the file in the Instance and Process Name window and drag-and-drop the signal from the Object Name window into the waveform window. Now you have to restart and rerun your simulation.
    16. Optional: If you want to restart and rerun simulation for specific time, see Illustration 2.25




    Illustration 2.25: ISim Simulator Simulation Controls


  • ISim Simulator Simulation Controls has the following buttons that the user can use to control the simulation process:

    1. -  Restart - restarts the simulation from “time 0”

      -  Run All - run the simulation until there are no more events

      -  Run for the time specified on the toolbar – runs the simulation for the specified amount of time

      -  Step – runs the simulation until the next breakable line

      -  Break – stops the running simulation at the next breakable line

      -  Re-launch – re-launch current ISE simulator


  • Note: Information about creating a Frequency Trigger test bench and simulating a design using ISim simulator, you can also find in the Lab 4:”Frequency Trigger Verification”.