4.1 Description


Drawing 4.1: Sine-package description


The formula for calculating the sine wave shown on the Drawing 4.1 is:

    sin (2*pi*i / N) * (2width_c-1 - 1) + 2width_c-1 - 1, N = 2depth_c

depth_c - is the number of samples in one period of the signal (28=256)

width_c - is the number of bits used to represent amplitude value (212=4096)


This formula is defining the nature of the desired sine signal:


4.2 Creating Module

To create a Sine package module, use steps for creating modules, Sub-chapter 2.3.1 Creating a Module Using an Text Editor.



Sine package VHDL model:


library ieee;

    use ieee.math_real.all;

    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

    use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

    use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;


package modulator_pkg is

    type module_is_top_t is (yes, no); -- only the top module can instantiate a diff clk buffer

    type board_type_t      is (lx9, zedboard, ml605, kc705);

    type has_diff_clk_t     is (yes, no);


    type board_setting_t is record

        board_name : board_type_t;

        fclk                : real;

        has_diff_clk  : has_diff_clk_t;

    end record board_setting_t;


    -- place the information about the new boards here:

    constant lx9_c           : board_setting_t := (lx9, 100000000.0, no);            -- Spartan-6

    constant zedboard_c : board_setting_t := (zedboard, 100000000.0, no); -- Zynq-7000

    constant ml605_c      : board_setting_t := (ml605, 200000000.0, yes);     -- Virtex-6

    constant kc705_c      : board_setting_t := (kc705, 200000000.0, yes);     -- Kintex-7


    type Software_environment is (ISE, Vivado, EDK);


    type vector_t_arr is array (natural range <>) of integer;


    constant per_c : time := 20 ns; -- clock period (T=1/50 MHz), that is used in almost all testbenches


    type design_setting_t is record

        cntampl_value : integer;       -- counter amplitude border, it's value should be equal to (2^depth)-1

        f_low  : real;       -- first frequency for the PWM signal, specified in Hz

        f_high: real;       -- second frequency for the PWM signal, specified in Hz

        depth : integer range 0 to 99;                               -- the number of samples in one period of the signal

        width : integer range 0 to 99;         -- the number of bits used to represent amplitude value

    end record design_setting_t;


    constant design_setting_c : design_setting_t := (255, 1.0, 3.5, 8, 12);


    function init_sin_f


        constant depth_c : in integer; -- is the number of samples in one period of the signal (28=256)

        constant width_c : in integer   -- is the number of bits used to represent amplitude value (212=4096)


    return vector_t_arr;




package body modulator_pkg is


    function init_sin_f


        constant depth_c : in integer;

        constant width_c : in integer


    return vector_t_arr is


    variable init_arr_v : vector_t_arr(0 to (2 ** depth_c - 1));




        for i in 0 to ((2 ** depth_c)- 1) loop -- calculate amplitude values

            init_arr_v(i) := integer(round(sin((math_2_pi / real(2 ** depth_c))*real(i)) * (real(2 ** (width_c - 1)) - 1.0)))

                                    + integer(2 ** (width_c - 1) – 1);

            -- sin (2*pi*i / N) * (2width_c-1 - 1) + 2width_c-1 – 1, N = 2depth_c


        end loop;


        return init_arr_v;






Note: All the information about creating the sine package, you can also find in the Lab 6: “Creating Sine Package”.