7. PWM


7.1 Description




Drawing 7.1: PWM block diagram



Drawing 7.2: FSM state diagram






7.2 Creating Module

To create PWM module, use steps for creating modules, Sub-chapter 2.3.1 Creating a Module Using an Text Editor.


PWM VHDL model:


library ieee;

    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

    use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

    use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;


entity pwm is


        width_g                       : integer range 1 to 99 := 12;          -- the number of bits used to represent amplitude value

        div_factor_freqhigh_g : integer := 0;                                   -- input clock division when sw0 = '1'

        div_factor_freqlow_g  : integer := 0                                    -- input clock division when sw0 = '0'




        clk_in         : in std_logic;    -- input clock signal

        sw0           : in  std_logic;      -- signal made for selecting frequency

        sine_ampl : in std_logic_vector(width_g-1 downto 0);      -- current amplitude value of the sine signal

        pwm_out   : out std_logic    -- pulse width modulated signal




architecture rtl of pwm is


    type state_type is (load_new_ampl, pwm_high, pwm_low); -- states s0, s1, s2

    signal state: state_type ;


    signal ce_s : std_logic := '0';    -- clock enable signal for the fsm




    process1: process (clk_in)

        variable treshold : integer range 0 to ((2**width_g)-1) := 0;  – integer range 0 to 4095 (in our case)

        variable count     : integer range 0 to ((2**width_g)-1) := 0;  – integer range 0 to 4095 (in our case)


        if (clk_in = '1' and clk_in'event) then

            if (ce_s = '1') then

                case state is


                    when load_new_ampl =>

                        treshold := conv_integer (sine_ampl);

                        count := 0;

                        if (sine_ampl > 0) then

                            state <= pwm_high;

                        elsif (sine_ampl = 0) then

                            state <= pwm_low;

                        end if;


                    when pwm_high =>

                        count := count + 1;

                        if (count < ((2**width_g)-1) and count < treshold) then

                            state <= pwm_high;

                        elsif (count = ((2**width_g)-1)) then

                            state <= load_new_ampl;

                        elsif (count < ((2**width_g)-1) and count = treshold) then

                            state <= pwm_low;

                        end if;


                    when pwm_low =>

                        count := count + 1;

                        if (count < ((2**width_g)-1)) then

                            state <= pwm_low;

                        elsif (count = ((2**width_g)-1)) then

                            state <= load_new_ampl;

                        end if;

                end case;

            end if;

        end if;

    end process process1;


    process2 : process (state)


        case state is

            when load_new_ampl => pwm_out <= '0';

            when pwm_high          => pwm_out <= '1';

            when pwm_low            => pwm_out <= '0';

        end case;

    end process process2;



    fsm_ce: entity work.frequency_trigger(rtl)    -- instance of the frequency trigger

        generic map (

            div_factor_freqhigh_g => div_factor_freqhigh_g,

            div_factor_freqlow_g  => div_factor_freqlow_g


        port map (

            clk_in     => clk_in,

            sw0       => sw0,

            freq_trig => ce_s




7.3 Creating Test Bench





We will now create a test bench for PWM module (pwm_tb.vhd). We will use the same steps as for creating frequency_trigger_rtl.vhd module, explained in Sub-chapter 2.3.1 Creating a Module Using an Text Editor.



  • PWM test bench:

    library ieee;

        use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

        use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

        use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;


        use work.modulator_pkg.all;


    entity pwm_tb is


            cntampl_value_g : integer := 255;                 -- threshold value for counter, it's value should be equal to (2^depth)-1

            depth_g               : integer range 1 to 99 := 8;          -- the number of samples in one period of the signal

            width_g                : integer range 1 to 99 := 12         -- the number of bits used to represent amplitude value




    architecture tb of pwm_tb is


        signal clk_in_s     : std_logic := '0';     -- input clock signal

        signal sine_out_s : std_logic_vector(width_g-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0');         -- current amplitude value of the sine signal

        signal sw0_s        : std_logic := '0';     -- signal made for selecting frequency

        signal pwm_s       : std_logic := '0';                                                                         – pwm signal



        dut1 : entity work.sine_top -- sine_top instance

            generic map(

                cntampl_value_g        => cntampl_value_g,

                depth_g                      => depth_g,

                width_g                       => width_g,

                div_factor_freqhigh_g => 10*(2**width_g),         -- 10*4096=40960

                div_factor_freqlow_g  => 20*(2**width_g)           -- 20*4096=81920



            port map(

                clk_in      => clk_in_s,

                sine_out => sine_out_s,

                sw0        => sw0_s



        dut2 : entity work.pwm                               – pwm instance

            generic map(

                width_g                       =>  width_g,

                div_factor_freqhigh_g => 10,

                div_factor_freqlow_g  => 20



            port map(

                clk_in        => clk_in_s,

                sw0           => sw0_s,

                sine_ampl => sine_out_s,

                pwm_out   => pwm_s



        clk_in_s <=  not (clk_in_s) after per_c/2; -- 50 MHz input clock signal

        sw0_s    <= '0', '1' after 1 ms;  




    7.4 Simulating

    After you have entered the code for the input stimulus in order to perform simulation:

    1. You can start your simulation (see Chapter 3.4 Simulating)
    2. Simulate your design for 100 ms (see Chapter 2.5 Simulating (with ISim) – step 12.)
    3. Assuming no errors, your simulation result should look similar to Illustration 7.1.



    Illustration 7.1: Simulation Results


    Note: All the information about creating the PWM Module, its FSM state diagram, generating the PWM test bench and simulating the PWM design, you can also find in the Lab 9: “Creating PWM Module”.