C++ for Adaptive SOC
Course Description
Join the world’s foremost online training event focused C++ development
- How to use one language C++ for different target domains
- Scalar Engines aka Processing System PS (Arm Cortex A72)
- Intelligent Engines aka VLIW (AIE)
- Adaptable Engines aka Programmable Logic PL (FPGA, fabric, ..)
- Which data types should be used for each domain
- Which libraries are already available
- Get to know the Vitis Development Tools
Course Outline
- Section 1 Introduction and Overview overview
- Break
- Section 2 Scalar Engine Data Types, Libraries and Tools
- Lunch Break
- Section3 Intelligent Engines Data Types, Libraries and Tools
- Break
- Adaptable Engines Data Types, Libraries and Tools
- Q&A
Event Schedule
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